Monday, November 23, 2009

Graduation Concert 2009

21st November 2009 at 10am, we had our Graduation Concert 2009, again this year it was held at Dewan Kencana of SK USJ20. The weather was great and being mid-morning, the children were fresh and spritely, too spritely actually.
The children sang and danced from songs in the movies like "Tomorrow" from the movie Annie, "Under the sea" from the movie The Little Mermaid, "Do Re Mi" from the movie The Sound of Music and "Jai Ho" from the movie The Slumdog Millionaire.
The emcees for the programme were Muhd Afiq and Iman Sofea, our afterschoolers who are now in Standard 3. Our performers were as young as 3 year olds and it shows that with some encouragement and guidance, they are able to perform. We open opportunities like these for the youngsters to develop their skills and talent through participation in concerts.
This year we had a special performance from Uncle Abdul Karim, who played his guitar and the mums and dads performed too! We'll put up pictures of the performing mums in another entry.
Memories of 21st November 2009 have been captured in photos and video for us to relive whenever we want.

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