Monday, June 9, 2008


Hi Parents

I heard on radio on about a website that can help parents find out more about Pre-school, Primary School, Secondary School as well as tertiary institutions. Many first time mummies may need help in the area of education for their children. Do go to and go to mygovernment - what attracted me about the advertisement is that you can actually register your child for school through this site ie. for Klang Valley areas. You can also find out the curriculum for pre-school and primary school.

An article in The Sunday Star of 8th June 2008 "Can't learn this ... " on page 8 of FIT4LIFE Section (SF7) gives an insight into several areas of learning disabilities. Though each child's learning ability differs, knowing our child's capability and incapability helps us provide early intervention thus helping our child in their life long journey of learning.

Also for new mums I found an interesting website : - environmental friendly, washable diapers - it's all about the environment.

Emilie said to me on the eve of the petrol price increase "what will be the price of petrol by the time I can have a car?" She is 16 this year .... so let's try to help conserve mother nature's resources, plant more trees and reduce pollution, so our future generation will still have something to appreciate and enjoy.


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