Saturday, December 8, 2007

Thee Day

Dear Parents

Thank you for attending the concert together with family and relatives. I saw grandpas, grandmas, aunts, uncles and cousins all over the hall. I do hope you enjoyed what was presented to you.

Special thanks to En Masri and Pn Raja Shyra (Puteri Aina's parents) for doing up the backdrop banner. En Iskandar Dzulkarnain (Sofea's dad, she reminded me her dad's name has a D before Z) for taking the photos, En Muazzam (Nursarah's dad) who operated the videocam - which he said he 'bidan terjun', am sure it will be good. Kak Syikin (Irfan Hamdi's grandma) who cooked the food and Pn Sayrina (Sara K's mum) for the curry puffs, they were yummy.

We only guided the children, but it was they who put up the performance - special applause for their efforts. Most of what you saw happened just as we practiced (hmm....didnt Aunty Val said that too?).

Life is about learning and living - they learn and they live to tell. We hope photos of the events will help keep memories of the event fresh in their minds.

Lets hope in the future concerts we will have active parents participation in the frontline as well as backstage.

These photos were taken by my niece, Lulu - who came to visit - she fell in love with the children. I said how not to when the children are all so cute and they love the attention she gave them. Official photos and VCD will be shown / for sale when ready ... soon.

Meantime, smile at what was captured on our lenses yesterday.

Aunty Huda

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