Thursday, May 28, 2009

Water Play

Its water play time!!!

A highlight for the children after five months of school ...

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Birthdays 2009 (1st Half)

These are the happy, sad, moody and dreamy faces of our children - Adieb Ramzy (6), Rayn Danish (3), Lutfi Hakim (5), Aqiel Nawfal (4), Fariha Batrisyah (5), Sabrina (6), Aiman Hakim (6), Irdina (4), Jivanesh (5), Amir (4) - when they celebrated their birthdays the last few months ... yes, Aunty Huda had a pile of back log work that there was no time to update .... sorrrry!

Anyway the kids should be looking forward to the next activity - WATER PLAY on 28th May 2009 just before we break for one week ie. from 1st June to 5th June 2009.

In July there will be a visit to Gardenia and in October to Faber Castell.