Hello Parents
Yes, yes it's been a while but I am still alive and kicking. No excuses actually not to update the blog but really but I did have problems - I couldn't access the website and the camera broke ...
Of course we had a couple of birthdays which I couldn't record because of the reasons I mentioned above but here I have included some photos of children who celebrated their birthdays in the past month.
Heres Adieb Ramzy celebrating his 5th birthday, Aiman Hakim with his CARS cake celebrating his 5th birthday and Nuqman Aqeef celebrating his 4th birthday.
We would like to inform the following activities that will be taking place this year :-
1. Visit to Beryl's Chocolate Factory (4th June 2008, confirmed)
2. Visit to MPSJ Kompleks 3C at Subang Jaya - theres a mini zoo and art gallery there
3. Visit to Faber Castell or Walls factory (September)
I will be giving you notes about these visits in the children's message books nearer the date, so do look out for it.
Till the next blog - soon, I hope.